Psoriasis Specialist

Dermio Dermatology
Dermatologist located in Northwest Indiana, Munster, Dyer, Valparaiso and Crown Point, IN
Dr. Soleymani treats patients from the Chicago Metropolitan area who suffer from psoriasis, a common but uncomfortable and unsightly skin condition, at his Dermio Dermatology practice in Munster, Dyer, Valparaiso, DeMotte and Crown Point, IN.
Psoriasis Q&A
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a skin condition presenting red, raised, dry and cracked scaly skin patches and is the result of a rapid buildup of skin cells. In some cases, psoriasis affects the fingernails, causing yellowing and small depressions. Psoriasis can be mild, moderate or severe, and, in most cases, causes itching and burning in affected areas or skin.
Psoriasis is the result of an autoimmune disorder, in which skin cells replace themselves every 3 to 4 days, rather than the usual 30, creating a buildup of cells on the skin's surface, and causing symptoms to appear on the scalp, elbows, knees, hands, feet and genitals. Although there is no cure, there are several treatments available to effectively relieve symptoms. In the United States, more than seven million men, women and children have psoriasis.
What are the Symptoms of Psoriasis?
For many people who have it, psoriasis is merely a cosmetic issue. In some cases, however, it causes severe pain, especially when associated with arthritis. The symptoms of psoriasis usually come and go throughout the patient’s life. Symptoms of psoriasis vary depending on each patient, but commonly include the following:
- Crusting
- Dry, cracked skin
- Itching or burning
- Red patches of skin covered with silvery scales
- Tenderness
- Thickened nails
Major Insurance Providers Accepted
If you have any insurance related questions, please contact our office.